How to Bake a Perfect Cake

12 October 2021

Making a homemade cake was never so easy. You must know tips to bake a perfect cake. Some cake batters can collapse when they have been baked, cake not rising, and not fluffy. One of the important things to do is grease your baking pan before adding the butter. For more information, read this article below.


  1. Use a suitable pan & preheated the oven

The size of the pan must match the size of the batter so that it can rise properly. If the pan is too large it will burn the surface of the cake easily. But if the pan is too small it will cause the cake batter to spill. Also keep in mind, don't fill the pan too full, leave about 2 cm at the top of the pan. Previously, preheat the oven before use.


  1. Pay attention to the color of the pan

The color of the pan will affect the final result of the baked cake. It is recommended to use a baking sheet with a dark color that absorbs more heat when you want to make a cake with a more chocolate / crunchy base. For a light baking sheet, it is suitable for making biscuit & pastry because it absorbs less heat.


  1. Pouring the Dough into the Baking

To make the batter easy to remove from the pan, you can spread butter or sprinkle flour on the pan. Before baking, flatten the batter that has been poured into the pan with a spatula and then tap tap the pan to remove air bubbles in it to prevent the cake from being lumpy & porous.


  1. Place the pan in the middle & try not to open the oven often

In order to bake evenly, it is recommended to place the baking sheet in the middle of the oven so that the cake is cooked just right. Also try not to open the oven lid too often to check the dough. This will cause the temperature in the oven to be unstable and make the cake not expand perfectly.


So it's very important to follow the recipe correctly. Also you need to make sure the cake is baked perfectly, after that just take the cake out of the oven. Stay tuned for tips from Rich's!

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